Welcome to 博彩平台网址大全 Class of 2028!


We are excited to welcome you to campus and the Trinity Community. At the conclusion of the New Student Orientation (NSO), students will participate in one or more of our exciting Orientation NEXT programs. Students also have an opportunity to participate in a Pre-Orientation program prior to NSO.

Pre-Orientation and Orientation NEXT Programs will create space for students to explore and connect. Through collaborative partnerships across campus, the Pre-Orientation and NEXT Programs are rooted in efforts to foster awareness, 护理, 连接, 对话, and experiences as a community.



P.R.I.D.E. 受欢迎的周末

P.R.I.D.E. 受欢迎的周末 is a three-day program primarily designed to help students from underrepresented backgrounds/identities (e.g. 种族/民族, 国际, 性取向, and gender identity) become acquainted with the campus and make a successful transition to Trinity’s academic and social environment.


Summit-to-Success (s2)

Students who join the Summit-to-Success (s2) Scholars program will get a jump-start on how the most successful students navigate college, including practicing life design and creative problem-solving skills, developing an individualized success plan, and engaging in weekly 1×1 life design coaching with a member of our professional coaching team. 在一起, we’ll help you see how your present self can become your future self, 把点连起来, and develop a plan to get there!


任务:7天背包旅行 & 划独木舟

This year’s 7-day participants will backpack and canoe in the beautiful Adirondack Mountains of New York. Participants will become familiar with all the wilderness skills necessary to live comfortably in nature. Groups of 5–8 incoming students and their student instructors will travel to new camping locations each day hiking trails, floating down rivers or paddling across pristine lakes.

Orientation NEXT Programs


BANTS: Fall Early Returning Athletes

BANTS is designed to develop leadership and wellness skills for First Year Fall Student-Athletes. This two-part series will provide foundational concepts of leadership, 团队合作, and wellness with an athletics nexus. 在第一部分中, student-athletes will explore their own leadership styles through cooperative exercises, 同伴指导, 和自我反省. 在第二部分中, student-athletes will be introduced to areas of wellness including mental health, 正念, 营养, 和自我保健.



The 构建更好的班塔姆 program is a 3-day emerging leaders program for students who want to explore their own leadership skills as future bantams. This multi-disciplinary program will incorporate hands on activities, 探索哈特福德, 艺术集成, and an opportunity to explore deeper student involvement and leadership develop as part of the Trinity community.


哈特福德透视: Our Place, Our 首页

哈特福德透视 offers incoming Bantams a unique lens through which to view the wonderful city of 哈特福德 that 博彩平台网址大全 calls home. The 哈特福德透视 programs are hosted by staff and student leaders, appealing to a variety of interests.


发明、创新 & 创业(IIE)

Students in the 3-day IIE program will experience multiple field trips to explore innovation around 哈特福德, including planned visits to Raytheon Technologies Research Center where you can stand inside a jet engine and see space suits from Apollo while learning about the latest cool innovations and inventions driving our aerospace programs today, and a behind-the-scenes look at the engineering and invention that powers amusement park rides – visiting Six Flags New England to see them in action.



Incoming students have the opportunity to start their 博彩平台网址大全 journey with a wilderness adventure. Trinity’s outdoor orientation program focuses on leadership development and community building. Learn about what adventures lie ahead with 追求.



三位一体的职业生涯 & Life Design Center will lead a highly engaging and interactive program designed to prepare new, first-generation students— the first in their family to complete a four-year college degree — for a successful transition to college.



The Elizabeth Elting Foundation Venture Conference

The Elizabeth Elting Foundation Venture Conference is a three-day leadership conference for women’s leadership development. Students will have an opportunity to get to know future classmates through sessions on team building, 优势评估, 以及领导力练习.